Today is Thursday, April 18, 2024. It’s day 8 of my cross country motorcycle trip.
I think I’ve been procrastinating a little about blogging, because I’ve been trying to figure out what I want to write about today.
The guy holding the dog over there is my good friend Chuck Franklin, and the dog is Bassano. Chuck and Hon (with Bassano and Winnie the Macaw), Allyson and Daniel (with Ubaldo the Dachshund), and Donette and I (with Briscoe and now Finley—both Westies) all lived in the same building in NYC for a time.
We met through walking our dogs, and became close friends—it took a little while for Finely and Bassano to become friends, but that’s a different story.
Chuck and I got interested in guitars, through Daniel. I like to say that my friend Daniel plays guitar, and Chuck and I have guitars, too.